I have always loved you
With an everlasting love
Come Closer..
Verse 1:
I know that we all have gone astray
And everyone has turned to his own way
Thinking we can make it all by ourselves
And we all have turned our backs on Him
But, there is something that we all must know,
His Love it is so dear; and He says
Come I need you closer in my Arms
Let Me hold you, feel you,
Give you all I have
Make a move and let me have you near
Let my Love embrace,
Your feelings I will bear
Verse 2:
And if you must know, I love you!
I am the Almighty One and your God
My thought always is to have you in my Arms
To keep you safely in my warm embrace
But, there is one thing we must do,
Its to bring you back home to Myself
My Love draws me close to you
Cause when I look at you,
I see Myself in you
So, whenever you need me,
I will be right by your side
This time, my love, please, dont leave me
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