Call: Theres something about
Theres something about
Theres something about
The HolyGost
Res: Theres something about
Theres something about
Theres something about
The HolyGost
I feel it. I feel it
I feel it. I feel it
I feel it. I feel it
I feel it. I feel it
Call: Theres something about the HolyGost I cant explain it but I feel it
(Back to chorus)
Call: Halle Halle Hallelujah oooooo
Res: Halle Halle Hallelujah oooooo
Call: I give you twale(honor)
Res: Twale eeh(honor)
Call: Halle Halle Hallelujah oooooo
Res: Halle Halle Hallelujah oooooo
Aka Aka (your hands)
Everybody Kuwa take. (everybody clap your hands)